ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation Calculation Excel Sheet


Download free ASHRAE 62.1 ventilation calculator excel sheet. It is a comprehensive spreadsheet for calculating the ventilation outdoor intake in HVAC systems. the excel program includes all ventilation calculation formulas gathered and designed to obtain the outdoor air intake and the air change per hour rates for every space.

ASHRAE 62.1 Ventilation  Excel Calculator:

This spreadsheet is primarily intended to be used to determine the ventilation rate for ventilation systems that serve multiple zones and that recirculate air from one or more zones to other zones.  Typical examples are variable air volume (VAV) systems.  The spreadsheet may also be used for all other ventilation system types as well - it is not limited to multiple zone systems.  

This spreadsheet is easier to use if all zones served by the system are entered -- critical zones are then determined automatically and the spreadsheet automatically determines system level inputs by summing values for the zones.  

Excel program contains the following tabs:

  • Directions for using this excel sheet
  • Ventilation (outdoor intake) calculations
  • Ashrae 62.1 ventilation table-  Outdoor Air Rates (Table

The following inputs for system are required:
  • As: Floor area served by system (sf)
  • Ps: Population of area served by system (P)
  • Vpsd: Design primary supply fan airflow rate (cfm)
  • Ras: OA required per unit area for system (Weighted average) (cfm/sf)
  • Rps: OA required per person for system area  (Weighted average) (cfm/p)
  • Percent increase in Vbz over minimum required (%)

We introduced ASHRAE 62.1 excel calculator with all ventilation tables including the outdoor air rates or the air change per our rates for all applications and you will obtain the following results:

  • System Ventilation Efficiency
  • Outdoor air intake required for system
  • Outdoor air per unit floor area
  • Outdoor air per person served by system (including diversity)
  • Outdoor air as a % of design primary supply air

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